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By Your Precious Blood

24 April 2023

My mom accepted Jesus when she had Alzheimer's disease. Due to the objection of a family member, I couldn't bring her for baptism in the church. So I have quietly baptized her in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I did it many times whenever I prayed for her.  Her condition deteriorated and eventually went back to the Lord on March 22, 2023. 

As I asked God for assurance about her salvation, I heard this Hakka song, the first song sung in the prayer meeting in Sarawak Blessed Church. This is the first Hakka worship song I ever heard in my life. It was like my mom singing to me telling me that Jesus has forgiven all her sins and washed her clean with His precious blood. 

Although Jesus saw her sins, He did not leave her, instead, Jesus accepted her with His love!  Wow! Praise the Lord! What a wonderful Savior!  Thank You Lord for answering my sincere and earnest prayer for my mom and the assurance of her salvation.   

Mama, I will surely see you again in Heaven one day in the name of Jesus.  This Hakka song will be my funeral song. It is so dear to me. Thank You Jesus for dying for my sins and accepting me with Your love! Amen! Amen!  

"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

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