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Hymn of Heaven

5 November 2023

After my parents passed away this year, I have been praying and asking God to assure me that they are truly in heaven. They were both sinners but thankfully they accepted Jesus in their old age.

On the night of October 4, 2023, I had a very unusual dream. I arrived at a place with a long queue of people. However, I could move forward freely without queueing. I came to a very beautiful bridge over a very beautiful river flowing with sparkling water. I have never seen such a beautiful bridge in my life! It’s beyond the physical appearance. I knew it in my spirit that I was entering into Heaven.

I saw Pastor Jennie Seet in giving direction to people. She looked very happy and busy. So I went to a playground and played like a little girl! From a far distance, I saw a man lying on the floor who looked like my dad. Suddenly, I had an extraordinary visual sensory and zoomed in to see his mouth with one tooth in the middle. Indeed, he is my dad who was wearing his favourite grey shirt. He stood up.  I was over the moon and ran towards him kept calling “Baba Baba…”. It was like a dramatic movie scene with “slow motion” though I was desperately running to hug him. When I arrived, he stretched out his arm and held me into his embrace. I was like a little girl in the embrace of my father.

Then, we were in a house where I saw my mom and her daughter. I thought the “daughter” was me but she is a different person. After a while, everything disappeared and a huge word appeared to me – eNewsletter

I woke up in awe at midnight and was overjoyed that God had finally answered my prayers! I had a few dreams with my mom after she passed away but I knew it wasn’t in heaven. But, in the first dream with my dad, I was convinced in my spirit that it was in Heaven. Hallelujah!!!

I believe the “daughter” I saw is my younger sister who died in my mother’s womb many years ago. I have this conviction because Choo Thomas, who was brought up to heaven 17 times, wrote in her book, Heaven is So Real, that she saw a huge room full of babies who were either died prematurely or aborted by their mothers. All these children were adopted by God and continue to grow up in Heaven! That includes my younger sister! What an amazing grace of our loving Abba Father!

It was a sudden death for my dad in deep grief and depression for the loss of my mom. I felt very sad and regret that I haven’t done enough to love him and provide for all his emotional and physical needs. I repented before God. I asked God for assurance about the salvation of my father, but God didn’t show me until 3 months later. I believe God wants me to go through the process of repentance and “never give up” in prayer. As I desire to write eNewsletter with a vision of leading you closer to your Creator through piano worship, He gave me a beautiful story. All glory unto Him!

Our God is Love and faithful. He gives us a beautiful promise in Genesis 28:15, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” I believe “this land” is the eternal Heaven. What a privilege we have in our Abba Father!

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