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The Promise of Love

11 December 2023

God called me to the hospital mission, specifically in the pediatric ward. However, I have no clue how to start this. There isn’t anybody in my church or anybody that I know who is serving in the hospital. All I know is that when a child is terminally ill, a mother will try everything, literally every religion, every treatment, every doctor, every hospital,… whatever way to save her child. That’s me when my son Zhen Kan was dying. That’s how I became so open and accepted Jesus in my life at the darkest and most desperate moment.

I’m truly thankful to God for the opportunity for me to start and pioneer a women's ministry called Women of Acts (WOA) at Christ Lutheran Church on 2nd July 2022. Through this ministry, I have trained and inspired the women to come on board with me in the hospital mission. Glory to God that WOA has raised a team of 10 volunteers for the Christmas Outreach at Selayang Hospital in 2022. Many people couldn’t believe that we got the formal approval from the hospital director to sing Carol at the pediatric ward even during the recovery phase of COVID-19. But we did it in the favour of God!

Nevertheless, I didn’t stop there. I have applied to visit the hospital again this year. Many churches and individuals told me that it’s unlikely for a church to get formal approval to visit the hospital, especially the pediatric ward, in a Muslim country. However, I never give up on trying. After several attempts, eventually I received approval from the Women and Children Hospital, also known as Hospital Tunku Azizah (HTA), the largest government hospital in Malaysia, which is only a 10-minute drive away from our church. I received the approval on the same day that my dad passed away on 10thJuly 2023. I knew that it was the right time because God had released me from caring for my dad, closing one chapter of my life, and opening a new chapter in starting the hospital mission. The approval was granted for a formal visit on 30th August 2023, which is the 9th death anniversary of my son! Both of these dates are double confirmation of what God has called me after all the trials that I have been through in life. I was a regular mom at the hospital with my son, and a regular career for both my parents bringing them for various checkups every month. I’m not a stranger in the hospital.

After our first visit, we have been returning almost every weekend to follow up and reach out to more children and pray for them in Jesus’ name. We are not only bringing gifts to the children and mothers, but we also bring the hope of healing by Jesus, especially to the long-term patients. My “Bible Verses for Healing” booklet is a powerful tool that we use to teach them to read the Bible verses for healing. Children have a very simple faith; those who can speak just followed me in prayer asking Jesus to heal them. There was one time I sang a lullaby song “Jesus Loves Me” to a 5-month-old baby girl, and she kept smiling at me. At that moment, I felt the presence of Jesus next to me, I felt so loved at that moment. "…How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15)

All glory to God that I can live out my life fulfilling His calling. “I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24) I can only do this because of the amazing love of Jesus that fills my heart.

I like to share this beautiful Chinese Christmas song with you, 愛的約定 The Promise Of Love, composed by Mary Lee, Stream of Praise Music Ministries, Taiwan. It sings the whole purpose of the birth of Jesus on Christmas day to fulfil the covenantal love of God for us through Jesus who came to die for us on the Cross to save us and give us eternal hope. This is the Promise of Love!

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